Raw asian food

Published i Raw food.;
www.veganeveryday.blogg.se ©

How to do this raw vegan asian wok:

2 dl of haricot verts
1 carrot
1 zucchini
2 dl of green peas
6 big mashrooms
Sest of one lime
Juice from 1 lime
6 tbs of soysause
2 tsp of chilli flakes
Sesameseads for garnish

Mix the lime sest, the lime juice, the soysause and the chilli flakes in a smal bowl. Then peel the zucchini and cut it with a cheese cutter so it becoms small strips. After that do you cut the zucchini once again so it becoms like long small stripes, like noodles, put everything in a big bowl.. Do the same with tha carrot and add it in the bowl. Then take your haricot verts, and the grean peas and add it in the bowl. Then cut the muschrooms into small peases and add it as well to the bowl. Mix the sest, the lime juice, soyasause and the chilliflakes in a small cup and when you are done with that do you poor over the dressing and garnish with the sesameseeds. Enjoy!

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